Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well what a day we had yesterday and I think I was a little overtired when I blogged yesterday. I actually hardly remember it. We've walked every morning since we arrived, strolled through Hyde Park and seen the bins for miles in a row along the edge of the paths, emptied out and scavenged through. The rubbish left in piles on the ground, at frst I thought it was squirrels, but it's the homeless people. The streets are scattered with people sitting on bits of cardboard, wrapped in blankets asking for change. We give them some if we have coins with us. I saw a show on Austar about some rich kids going on the streets for 10 days and having to live like they were homeless and it was awful. No one even hardly acknowledges the people. They ask for change and people just take a wide step around them and keep going. They don't even look at them most of the time. What have we become when we can't even give a bit of change to someone. Then there's the next extreme, Rolls Royce's chauffeur driven and Bentley's (I can't tell the difference between oné and the next but Adrian is very excited whenever he sees one), and you see the driver's out early in the morning polishing the cars before the people even leave for work. Huge town houses circling locked walled gardens, and the stores in Kensington and Picadilly cater very much for the upper classes. Harrods, Fortnum & Masons all so beautiful inside and we have nothing like it in Australia. Shopping for us is totally boring.

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