Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Never Ending Story

So here we are several days later again, we do not have time in the evenings to blog honestly so sorry. We are either out late have no internet or just plain don't have time. So a catch up again. Since my last entry we have been to Dachau Concentration camp in Austria. Not as bad as I thought it would be but none the less how could a world at war have left so many people in the danger of so few..

After our few hours at Dachau we had beer (well I didn't but others did ) in a Munich Beer Hall. Tons of fun and we ate Sausage not so much fun.. Then into the Austrian Alps seriously mouth dropping scenery for us. We walked to King Ludwig's Castle and I mean we walked for ages like 1 and a half hours and then some of the steepest walks ever . What a day. After the walk we luged down the hill some distance away but not before we ate a wonderful lunch bought by Renae and Rolinka and prepared by a few of us. Oh and we got to be part of a German wedding, which arrived at the church while we were eating lunch. We just can't believe how things are turning out. Then after 2 nights in Austria and some serious exercise we travel to Venezia. What a city. A maze of streets, littered with Gelatia bars, (icecream) and neat little restaurants and bars along the canals. And if like us you get really lost there are some amazing little nooks and crannies to explore. We found a Venetian man making masks and watched him layer the paper in the mould and talked to him about his craft before we bought two (yep two) and we had already bought one, masks, but they are gorgeous. I also bought a Venitian glass beaded necklace beautiful, from a local lady who makes them herself so I love the story behind the buy as much as the purchase.

And so now here we are in Florence. We went straight to the David this afternoon and I really cannot believe the beauty of this statue. Adrian & I were totally blown away. He is 17ft tall and so beautiful. We had a tour of the local area tonight and then dinner at the most fantastic restaurant. What fun we had. Tomorrow we go to the Uffizi Museum and the free time to get some bargain leather I hope here in the leather city.

We haven't had the best news with little Lucas over the days though. Firstly his heart is looking great and no operation looks likely, but today we heard that he may need some lver treatment waiting to hear in the morning. Our poor little baby grandson. Oh it's hard we want to go home sometimes. On Thursday we will be meeting with Ashleigh and Danielle in Rome fantastic cannot wait. Fill you in later. Ciao

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